Price Match Policy

If you find a product you purchased at Le with a lower price (after any tax and shipping costs) from a competitor, or if that product's price has decreased on our website within 15 days of your purchase, we will price match.

  • The product must be in stock and available for immediate purchase from our competitor at the price you requested.
  • The product must be sold by an authorized dealer of the brand and product in question and based in Canada, whether online or traditional retail.
  • The product must be identical in brand, model, sizing, colour, and year of fabrication.
  • All competitor pricing must be verifiable online, and approval for price matching is made at the discretion of Le staff.
How does it work?
    • If a product you find matches these conditions, contact our customer service before you place your order and we’ll adjust the price.
    • If a product you purchased in the last 15 days meets these conditions, you can request a price match and we’ll refund the difference on the original payment method.
    • We only offer price matches in Canadian Dollars.